Health Careers & U Webinar
A.H.S. 1611: The Future Physician - Medicine in the 21st Century. 1 credit, offered fall 2024
Go Global with the PHSRC
P.H.S.R.C. Pulse: a blog to help students keep a pulse on pre-health resources and content
A view of the front door of the Pre-Health Student Resource Center
A student studies on her laptop
Student practices minimally invasive surgery techniques

The Pre-Health Student Resource Center is here to help you prepare for application to a health professional program, wherever you might be in the process. We support students all along your pre-health journey - from exploring health career options, developing an authentic and competitive portfolio of experiences, and preparing your application to a health professional program.

Use the Pre-Health Student Resource Center as you get ready to apply to medical school or other health professional program. Sign up for a drop-in session, meet with a counselor, fill out a personalized action plan, pick up health program materials, take a thought-provoking course--our resources are here to help you find your fit in a health career, and become a strong applicant.