Using an Action Plan to Build Your Application Portfolio
There are many components to a student's preparation to a health professional program, many of which are outlined in this Build Your Student Portfolio section. Health professional program application committees are looking for well-rounded applicants that have a wide range of experiences.
Access the Pre-Health Action Plan
The Pre-Health Action Plan on this page is a tool help you get organized on your road to application to the health professional program of your choice.
After completing the Pre-Health Action Plan, you can submit it and schedule an appointment with a PHSRC counselor to get personalized feedback. By submitting your Action Plan in advance of the appointment, it allows the counselors to thoughtfully review your past experiences and your questions, and come prepared to coach you in making the best plan to move forward.
We do ask that you fill out as much information as you can in the Action Plan document. We understand that if you're a first year student, you might not have as many completed activities to fill in, however, you can always use the document to do some future planning as well! The more information you share with us in the Action Plan, the better prepared our career counselors will be for your appointment.
This document will open as a 'View Only' document as a Google Spreadsheet. You can save your own copy of the document to fill in courses, activities, and experiences that you have had and plan to have in the future. Instructions on how to do that are found a bit further down the page.
Once you have your own personal Action Plan saved on your Google Drive, think of it as a living document that you can keep adding information into, keeping all of your application related experiences in one place.
Already have an Action Plan started? That's great! You do not need to start over with the newer Action Plan document. You might want to check out the new link however, as there are some new features in the Pre-Health Action Plan like new tabs for Financial Planning and Academic Planning. You could copy those tabs over into the Action Plan document you're already working in, if you'd like to add those features.